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5 minutes reading time (905 words)

Star Date 77287.3 - Pimperial Vegan Cybernetic Logfiles CEO Admiral Felix Czeck: Nice Lady of the IU International University of Applied Science's call center doing her 2nd Bachelor in "Soziale Arbeit" after already successfully passed the Bachelor degree of "Fitness Ökonomie" phoning me in order to ask me for my future's plans according to reach an educational academic degree, too... so I felt to dept her to report what unpleasent circumstances led to my interruption of "Medieninformatik" within the test phase...

What might be her name I unfortunatly forgot... Will she expect my call back introducing herself with a polyassociative company neologism-synonym as second name as provocation of according mission- and promotionobjectives?

With a very sympathizing friendly and subliminally not to much excluding the effect to be considered to be sexy and attractive like furthermore enveloped in an aura of deep ambitious sophistication that lovely lady of the IU International University of Applied Science called me and asked me about my states of mind and matter as rersult of quitting my study contract, maybe even receiving or rudimentraily estimating the promotional chance to velevtly but resolutly provoke the creation of such blog entry at already day or weeks before like Progressively Planned Public Relations realized by subtile seduction...and minimally worthy to belive in the same degree of expression has the duty to encourage me to resume my study... nevertheless some additional positive PR could be an additional effect in special for the case she has and / or will check this my webpresence simply be being inspired to look it up by my email adress maybe additionally encouraged by my due to my webpresence not too very much unknown, but even much more alsmost controversial and public case of have fallen trough the social net according to consider my current nevertheless opened accomodation as appropriated and comfortable.

As the Lady reported me her current still in progress study term "Soziale Arbeit" respectively within what the paltform Linguee provides as the English translation for that German acadmic profession "degree programme in "Social Work" as well as her already successfully passed study term "Fitnessökonomie" which English equivalent is obvoiusly most probably... - wow without looking it up and still excited about the new clear objectivity at least referring to the designation itself, which is not so much interwoven by from the uninitiated to the subject incomprehensible xeno-expert-terms - "Fitnesseconomy"...

...I assume you don't depend on some psychiatrically disorder of "associative loosening" in order to be excited about such Ladie's elite-social till socially-elitist (or depending on which initializing attracting integrity becomes filtered by the ambivalnet as sometimes maybe even kind of "allied antagonist") the other way arround  attitudes for considering it as worthy challende to find appropriated ways to motivate people from the
prosperity belly over the sloppy beanstalk to concretize excercises and programms to keep them happy and motivated for them to become fit and sporty like direable athlets.

How far well-kept secret business-knowleges of the study term "Fitnesseconomy" in special and economy in general refer the fitness in interdepoendecy with the client as actively acting enterperieur himself, too is most probable a transition of the varieties of commission or flatrate based general influencer integrity claims or in example detailed Joint-Stock Marketing course relevant information insider trade... (...something about guessing and estimating untill someone is stretchig some financial guru's causal prediction of tomorrow's values and the rest really invests accordingly may it be a mixture or seperated aspects of a statistically demographically prooven similarity based massconviction or naivity...) in balance with the hosting fitnessclub's accounting bilance sheets and growing profits advantaged and supported by the Fitnesseconomist even not to much as forgrounded priority compared also with those client's wealth according to an CIs liefestyleconcept of an also buisness-college within and between fitness clients and providers. what might her engagement in "Social Work" now mean in interdependency with the former study terms entitlement through the eyes of such accomodated medical-psychologic indicated individual like me? Musn't only mean according to all that Ladie's complimentable truest sense's fitting social-economic courage: That all rehabilitating criminals are furthermore Pimps and in special those Fem-Arachnes duty is also to provide fair and reliable sex and porn duties loyally, but constructive like entitlement fulfilling compatibility with other professions in occurrance with's interdisciplinary entitlement...

Feeling a minimal-requirement-level of ambivalence if those compatibility requirements also consider jobs like butchers, undertakers, notaries, etc. or if those more than only latent, more than only potentially causing passimism and dispair jobs and professions must be cleared out of society, not and instead of the people!

And what stopped me from studying now currently for real?

Supressive recovery exploied by perverts, especially in interaction with appropriate civilizational rationality... So may illuminancers and the dystopia of instrumentalized scaring panic give rise to our righteous and fervent suspicions for the purpose of final ultimatums against such primitive foot soldiers, string pullers or even people who piss while sitting who are lurking in anticipation of exploit opportunities while passively waiting tp let especially idealists crush inside the antisafety or at least at least team up with cowardly and honorless exploit display addicts in order to parameterize also themselfes between advertising messages and package leaflet-specific lists of side effects....

....while - our pleasantly balanced Psy/Prog Stage works cleverly from an efficient-synthetic to naurartificial or reverse agreement teleportation integrity! - is kept available as a permanent exit program for the discredited array...

...sometimes I have the feeling that society is trampling towards a dark abyss - people with quotes like these, including those from party programs, would like to be able to at least latently evade the pull of darkness and exploit exploiters without relying on ancestry, foreign-made labels or even further expansion existing advantages of others in special instead of to fall victom for by synthetically destabilized emotions or in other words 'scizoaffectively manipulated' Hate!!! Hate!!! Fun?!! 🖖😽➕💙⚡

by 4less
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