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3 minutes reading time (543 words)

Star Trek Prodigy - S1 E14 - "Crusade"... nevertheless FSK 6yo... appeared more an odysee of laboriously attempting to recognize a continuing flow of the episodes story board at the first attempt watching it in English language... a summary of my impressions nevertheless in the following: On some ice-planet the youthful crew who stole the Protostar within a situation of self-defence in order to escape from slavery get somehow in contact with smuggler ware in order to get hunted by some ice-planet's own security pirates attempting to be a mixture of reptiloids and insects, starfleet officers led by some Andorian Admiral and as well as Cathrin Janeway in person alternatley...

the situation increases according to tension extended by also some kind of funny and even a bit disney-like slap-stick comic turning the tide of recognizable story board which is, additionally constrained by anticipating the foreign language, towards a domination sided by the insect-like reptiloids against the Starfleet Officer team teaming up with the Protostar crew in order to escape from the icy planet together flying the Protostar now additionally hunted by one of the youthful crew's father their former slave keeper escaping his much larger ship which reminds on a giantic version of the USS Vojager...

...just more shaped like a Mushroom towards the Neutral Zone betwenn the Romulan Star Empire and the Federation and in order to get confronted with three Romulan space vessels of the Type The D'deridex-class, alternately known as the B-type warbird, or warbird class starship, was one of the largest and most powerful mainstays of the Romulan Star Empire. It served as the backbone of the Romulan fleet during the later half of the 24th century... Because of being a Vengeance Arachno V-Sith at psychological hostage or maybe even more because of being underfucked and as result unhappy...

yet unclear according to my episode's first view in English language not closer to determine reasons equal desire pimping up English lessons or to give it a second try by watching it in native language modus...? (Indeed the client and personal sided support for the English language within the institution "Helios Clinik" in Hildburghausen, Thueringa is unfortunatly really very poor, nevertheless they rarely miss a chance to seem to know almost everything about me ... ^^)

Credits to Paramount+, it's customer support like furthermore

Today's Date April, 7th 2023 A.D.
Star Date 2 TOS: -299734.57004693046
Star Date1TNG: let's figure out.. maybe not so pedantically... maybe now?!


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